Saturday, June 21, 2008

First days in Bangalore

The lighter moments in life during the early days in Bangalore!!!
  • I stay at proximity of 5 km from the office. Unfortunately I have to hire a rickshaw every time I need to visit my office, which is everyday, and so to save the money I walk about half the distance and then hire the rick. It so happened that one day I walked 5km only to find that I took the wrong turn at the right junction, only to end up with “Auto!!!Auto!!!”
  • Being new to Bangalore, I decided to walk around to get to know the places better. After walking for over 5km, I decided that I have understood the roads. The next day, to test myself, I took the rick and gave the driver the location. I was waiting eagerly to see the roads that I had formed in my head. “Ended up finding more ways then I could fathom, and realised that my roads were all one ways and took me no were. Ooooops!!!”
  • New place=New language. Though I am not equipped with kannada, I am quite happy speaking Tamil and Hindi, which is widely accepted in Bangalore. So after my not so successful mission of understanding the roads, I decided to take a break and drink juice. At the nearest juice counter I ordered for Lime juice, and after waiting a long time, ended up drinking GRAPE Juice. I wonder how I got that mixed up.
  • Another walk, another story. This time it is Brigade Road. Rajesh and I, walking with no job at hand. He was supposed to join his company that day, and I the next. After having walked about 6-7 km, I decided to drink lemon soda. Cuz of the previous experience, I avoided the juice counters and went to a ‘Petty Kada’. No much confusion, asked for lemon soda, got lemon soda, asked for the price “Twang!!!” It was 20 bucks. My pathetic look at Rajesh earned me a discount of Rs 5. Way to go!!!


JPK said...

Haha..dude..the best part is, this kind of shit keeps happening to every one who is new to Bangalore..lots of them..only to laugh at it later on..when you have become much more street smart (only after a lot of bitter sweet experiences)

Indu Nandakumar said...

Funny! :P