Friday, April 24, 2009

Something i wrote a while ago

We always dream about that perfect girl,

With so much of passion and so much of adoration

I never had those dreams wherein I see the love of my life,

I never had any dejavu to identify my soul mate when I finally run into her,

Maybe because I do not believe in destiny,

Or because I know life is not all that easy.

I have, in my life, come across many girls,

Few of them very special to me,

Even fewer, I cherish,

And someone like you who I adore.

I do not remember the day you walked into my life,

I do remember the day I saw you, and you almost owned me then.

I wanted to know what you were like,

Hear more from you,

Talk to you, be it for few moments.

Those meaningless banter, describing your dreams,

The way your mind wanders along with the dreams; reflected in your eyes

Your hand working its way through the air to gesture the intensity of your words

The way you talk about yourself, with least bit of restrain.

The lips moving with so much of life and energy,

Those fingers working magic on the canvas of anyone's heart,

The way you do not work hard to impress others,

The way you sounded so serious, the last time I dreamt of you.

The way you try to be a lady in spite of the cheerfulness you show,

And end goofing around with such innocence.

The humbleness, yet the arrogance to live your life

The small dreams and aspiration you want to achieve at any cost

The bigger dreams you have and yet forgoing them.

The way you readily accept the reality.

The simplicity of life

The wide smile in accepting life

The trepidations in your heart regarding the future life

Yet the confidence in standing up to the life.

Everything amazes me

It makes you stand a little too far away from the myriad of girls.

It amazes me that you have not found anyone yet,

Or it is shocking that nobody has found you so far,

For you sparkle more than the diamonds I have seen in my life

It astounds me that even in you nonchalant talk about yourself,

I hear that call for someone.

I am not worth a treasure like you,

Yet I know what your real worth is.

All thanks to the so many mistakes in my life.

I do not know what I feel about you, how deeply I think about you

I know I adore you a lot,

I know I like you a lot,

I know I respect you a lot,

I know am not in love with you, but I sure could get used to that, this I know.

What I want is those few moments of yours,

Wherein you speak your mind so carelessly,

And I hear them like magic of sound

Hearing to those trepidations I mentioned,

And may be try a little to fix few problems.

When you feel about someone this way, you take that extra effort

Not to love, but to make life a little better for that person,

And expecting nothing more than a thank you, or maybe a smile, or maybe a grin

That's all I care, that's all I wished, when I thought so much about you

1 comment:

Aishwarya Ananth said...

This is beautiful...! :) very very nice!