Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Pachyderm Chronicles

No melodrama, no menace,no beating around the bush. Right at the middle of the plot. We were chased by the elephants depicted in the above picture. True story as Barney would say in "How I met your Mother"

Nirmal, Jaggu and I were driving back to Bangalore from Calicut last Sunday, when we had the best scary situation. Being charged upon by a pack of elephants. It Was partly our fault as well. We had crossed the border and were nearing the outer facade of the jungle, when we witnessed about three elephants grazing the thicket of grass. We stopped about 10feet from them, and started taking snaps.

The elephant found us amusing and played along, but then the amusement turned into annoyance and snorted at us. We were supposed to take it as out cue to vacant the place, but us being so arrogant, did not do that. We went a little ahead and clicked more snaps.

Think the elephant got the better off our stupidity and in one swift motion charged ahead at us. Man it was scary. We fled like never before, and boy it was exciting :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I always motivated by you, your views and way of thinking, again, thanks for this nice post.

- Murk